Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Day 12 ~ ..................

Silence is Golden
And Gold is heavy and shiny
So is Silence heavy and shiny?

Anywho, my random thoughts for today bring me to random areas of the thought process of which i would proceed through in order to successfully create thoughts through the idea of thinking. My ability to think and type at the same time is rather odd ability considering i can just go on and on about how the thought process is thought up of through the use of thinking about thoughts. And that probably doesn't make any sense. Because the thinking of a thought cannot exactly be done through thinking because that thought had to already have been formed before you could think about it, but in order to think about it you need a thought. So, the thought process continues to loop in a very wierd way causing one to forget what one was thinking about because he/she was thinking about what they thought of before the thought which brings another thought to confuse with the first thought. just the idea of having a thought that you couldn't think of make one wonder on the thought process of making thoughts which cause confusion to the on thinking. My thoughts are a lot more complicated than this.

If you read through that and understood it, then i congratulate you.

Also, The thought process that makes the thoughts are not very thoughtful because one does not necessarily need to place thoughts into such a meaningless thought. Therefore the idea of thinking of thoughts is only a major waste of time. But that does not mean one does not think about the thoughts that one might've had earlier. Wishing that one had thought of something earlier in life is also completely pointless, because it is just looking toward the past. If one looks toward the past then he/she will never be able to move ahead at a fast enough pace to keep up with those around them, unless they don't care.


Kristen Dixon said...

Edger Allen Poe much?
Strangely, that did kind of make sense.... But yet it didn't...
That may be another thing that could help you, writing exersizes....
I dunno....

And I've never thought about that whole silence thing like that....

James Phillips said...

Dan be a poet and like make poems and such XD but yes i understand what you are saying and you really should think hard on what you thought you were thinking of a thought and use that thought to make another thought about a different thought on top of a new thought which brings in more thoughts to this thought process. in other words stop, think, and do something XP

u leik mudkipz?