Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Day 7 ~ And time moves on

In a recent occurrence of my younger siblings fighting over something extremely stupid, i came up with another theme for my story, well at least another section of the story. the story is coming along... somewhat... i haven't exactly finished a chapter because i keep skipping here and there and i find it hard to focus on one specific part, but it's still coming along.


James Phillips said...

you should find a nice quite place to work it seems maybe you should get out of your house and work outside or find a nice quite place in the park to reflect ideas and think about new or developing topics.

Kristen Dixon said...

Beware - I am going to attempt to give advice... the following words may sound compleately stupid or confusing. Feel free to ignore if needed.

But anyways, I would normally start out by thinking of a theme... perhaps some huge complicated problem that would branch off into a few other problems that seem to have no relevance to the big problem ubtil the end...

If that made any sence.... And sometimes, it may help to start the thought process from the end. Like, thinking about where the story will end up might help you find out how it will end up that way...

One of my last suggestions... Or maybe it's just a thought... But, your last entry you talked about the possibility of it eventually leading to another world... Perhaps you could set a prolog in that other world that would lead the reader to be like "What the?" and make them want to read more to figure it out....

And that was my poor attempt at trying to help. I'm not the best person to ask about writing things, because I have yet to finish anything I've actually written. Anyways, best of luck...

OH! ok I lied, one last thing... James has a point... But I think it's more a matter of finding an enviroment that you write best in, it doesn't have to be a quiet place... Just a place that inspires some form of idea or something...

Yeah... I'm done now >_<