Thursday, September 4, 2008

Day 1 ~ Topic choosing

My first idea is to use the only idea that i has which includes an idea that makes the idea form in an inter dimensional wormhole made up completely of ideas that have spawned from the idea that i will in fact have an idea. This idea can be made by obtaining an idea that makes everything into other ideas; Only, it's an idea that isn't able to be made as an idea because the idea is unmakeable from the fact that its an idea made from an idea. The first idea can only be made off the second idea which completely screws up the first idea. Because the first idea is unable to exist, the second idea cannot come into existence. However, the third idea is not based on the second or first idea because that idea is entirely new. Upon reaching into the wormhole of ideas that came into being because the idea of having an idea was also within existence, i have come up with an idea.

I think i'm going to write a book.


L. Savido said...

Exactly which idea is writing a book - is it the first idea that festered into the second idea or the third or fourth idea? But I guess the question is, is it the last idea?

Will Nichols said...


The Nameless One said...

I think it's safe to say that the only thing that mattered here was that you already decided that you're going to write a book.